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Monday, December 16, 2013

Durian crepe recipe

Assalamualaikum everybody! Tonight, a very very hardworking moment for me because i'll spent a little time to teach you how you can make Durian crepe by your own. Actually, dah lama nak tulis entry pasal cara cra nak buat crepe tapi disebabkan kemalasan menyelubungi diri, niat i ni sentiasa tergendala. Ha, saya akan bahasakan diri saya "i" sebab?sebab i malas nak taip "saya" -too long ._.

My first attempt; Macam comel jer

So far, i have made this for three time.First attempt, crepe i just nice but whip cream over whisked.second attempt, okay. Third attempt, i buat three colours of crepe,nyumm nyumm shedap, mouth watering la tuu haha. okay, rasanya dah cukup muqadimmah ni. Let's begin

First, nak bagitau..buat crepe ni kena be patient :)

Crepe ni boleh sampai 12-14 keping (depends on the size)

Ingredients to make crepe:
6 sudu tepung gandum
1 sudu besar tepung ubi
2 sudu besar gula
1/3 cawan susu segar/susu cair
1 biji telur
1 penutup esen vanilla
1 cawan air
1 sudu besar butter (yg telah dicairkan)

 Durian yang dikupas (orang panggil kupas ke?hahaa apa apa je lah) digaul bersama susu pekat manis. Kasi rasa creamy gitu.
dan tak lupa heavy whipped cream.


1.Masukkan tepung gandunm(diayak dulu), tepung ubi, gula kemudian susu dalam satu mangkuk dan kacau.

2.Lepas tu, masukkan telur (kacau dulu telur sebelum masukkan ke dalam mangkuk)

3.Kemudian taruk esen vanilla dan air. Adunan tu, tak pekat sangat,tak cair sangat.

4.Dan masukkan butter yg dicairkan tadi, dan kacau sebati.

5.Last, taruk pewarna.

6.Dah? sebelum kita masak, tapis dulu adunan tadi.

Jom masak crepe!

*Guna non-stick pan* kang tak pasal, tekoyak sana carik sini

Ambik satu senduk adunan tadi..

..tuangkan atas non-stick pan macam ni

Ketebelan crepe tu, tak tebal sangat tak nipis sangat, orang kata just nice^^ 
Saiz pulak atas korang lah
Kasi dia bulat macam ni

Biarkan dia atas pan dengan api yang perlahan. i punya api memang perlahan sangat.i tunggu dalam setengah minit macam tu la sebelum angkat crepe tu. Pandai pandai bajet la.

Tengok tak koyak pun, terrer tak?

Sebelum angkat dengan benda tu, belek sikit dengan garfu dulu supaya senang nak buat cam gambar atas ni
Angkat letak dalam pinggan, biar dia sejuk dulu.
Dah siap crepe kita, senang kan? tak susah mana pun :)

Pukul whipping cream dan letak kat tengah2 crepe tu. kemudian letak isi durian atas whipped cream
Last but not least, balut crep menjadi bentuk segi empat
Durian crepe is ready to be eaten!
Happy trying guys

Ini adalah contoh crepe yang berlobang *Second attempt

See you again, bye!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Snow in Egypt

Another shot in Egypt
Salam, and hello. Brings you a very hot topic to be shared! Two days ago, a news about snowfall in Egypt shocked everyone because it is for the first time happened in 112 years. What i have searched, and i found that snow covers a few places in Egypt - ect.Cairo,Alexenderia, Syria, Damsyik,-The temperature recorded in Cairo,Egypt was 14 degree celcius in the evening. Also, electrical supplies had been cut off for a moment at certain places,in conjunction with this scenario .  If you google this topics, you'll find many photos related to this. I was also suprised after reading the article about this. Subhanallah, everything can happen if He wills. It is not impossible if snow fall in Malaysia, one day.

#Baitulmaqdis diseliputi salji

Friday, November 22, 2013

Kenali pasangan anda melalui wataknya

Maybe kalian dah pernah baca article ni. just nak share mungkin ada yang berminat nak tahu tentang pasangan masing masing atau kawan sendiri ^^
Are you ready??

Hah mana satu kau

Psychology says...If they are...

1. Always give a big laugh even though for a just small, simple,unfunny,stupid matter:
they are soul lonely person

2. Sleep lover:
they always in gloom

3. Quiet person but very fluent in conversation:
 they are very secretive

4. So hard to cry:
they are weak

5. Very easy to cry:
they are soft-hearted

6. Easy to get mad just for a small matter:
they need love and care

that are what the psychologist says.
so, which number(s) is yours and your partner? 
hurmm, but i think number 4 is not to accurate hihi.

Berusahalah mengenali mereka
selepas mengenali diri sendiri

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Simple Layer Puding

Whipp cream is melting ._.

Assalamualaikum! hello hello hallu reader and stalker.
okay hari ini Chef nak share satu resepi Chef sendiri, iye resepi sendiri. Hah, nampak macam best je, macam sedap je kan puding kat atas tu. Tu baru tengok, tak cuba lagi. Sudah cuba pasti mau lagi! nah gitu engkau, maknyah lagi. okay, back to the top!

Puding ini senang je nak buat, tak perlu guna avon,microwave bagai. masak je. Rasanya ala ala trifle gitu. Bahan pun lebih kurang je,base je lain. Now,lets start with the ingredients

Bahan bahan diperlukan:

1 tin susu cair
4 sb susu pekat (krimer)
1 penutup essen vanilla
4 sb tepung kastard
1 mangkuk air 
3 keping roti (jenis macam gardinier tu )
1 cawan air nescafe
Beberapa gugus anggur (buang biji)/ buah pic dalam tin
 whipping cream (yg dh diputar, yg dalam beks silinder tu, spray je)

*sb = sudu besar

Jom masak bersama-sama!

1. Potong roti jadi kepingan kecil dan susun dalam bekas (bekas tu tak besar sangat,tak kecil sangat. bekas standard ).Basahkan roti dengan air nescafe. Jangan sampai berendam tau. lembapkan je tapi bagi kena semua bahagian roti tu.

2. Biarkan roti tadi seketika. Panaskan susu cair dengan api yang sederhana. Masukkan susu pekat manis dan kacau (kalau ada lebihan air nescafe tadi masukkan dalam susu tu, jangan membazir). *Krimer pekat boleh digantikan dengan gula. Tapi kalau guna krimer pekat lagi creamy and wallawey*

3. Sambil-sambil tu, kacaukan tepung kastard dengan air dalam mangkuk berlainan dan masukkan ke dalam susu cair yang sedang dipanaskan tadi.Masukkan essen vanilla.Teruskan kacau hingga pekat dan mendidih.

4. Bila susu cair dah mendidih, tuangkan dalam bekas yang mana roti disusun tadi. tuang bagi rata.

5.Taburkan buah-buah yang segar di atas puding, bagi dia tenggelam dalam puding tu..baru lah sebati rasanya. Sejukkan puding. letak dalam peti berapa minit sebab takut nanti cair kalau letak whipp cream atas puding yang masih HOT!

6. Sambil-sambil tu, kemas dulu alat-alatan yang digunakan. buang sampah tu. Eh, lap lap meja tu,dah kotor dah tu. basuh mangkuk digunakan.

7. Okay, ambik puding tadi, dan spray whipp cream atas puding (Whipp cream tu suka hati korang lah nak beli yang belum diputar ke atau dah diputar. i guna yg dh diputar ,senang kerja :) Spray bagi berseni lah sket.Boleh tabur buah lagi kalu nak. Tak pun,biarkan whipp cream saja menjadi topping-nya. Simpan dalam peti dan siap! Enak dihidang ketika dingin

Selamat mencuba. Harap anda sukakannya. Kalau dah cuba, kasi share dan komen sini la

*btw, Happy Birthday to my friend Diana Zahraa :)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

@hilmanzuhairi and @syedfirdaus opss!

Assalamualaikum semua.
Hye  guys, hey hey hey i want to share with you a web canvas  that i made by my own by using @sketchtoy and ..

This is my classmate; Hilman and Syed

It's messy? naa, it's not messy, THIS IS ART MAN! haha now let you replay this >> . and look at this photo below, the photo that i try to copy by drawing it using the sketchtoy.

No! they're not gay ok

So? what would you say guys? am i did it? hehe. of course right..the photos look very similar, obviously *haii persaan la pulak aku nih haha :3 * for those who likes to draw, i force you to try this sketchtoy, no reason for you to ignore this order! just type : and start to draw. Your drawing will be more neat and awesome if you use the mouse *weyy, bukan tikus laaa, tetikus awak -..- ok haapy trying! Do comment my sketch! See you in the next post! *Next post lah sanagt kan~ entah bila next post tuh haha.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Curious about Puasa Arafah?

As we may already know, there's one day left to celebrate Hari Raya Aidiladha. Muslims celebrate Eid Al Adha to honour the willingness of the prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his young first-born son Ismail as an act of submission to Allah's command and his son's acceptance to being sacrificed, before God intervened to provide Ibraham with a lamb to sacrifice instead.In the lunar Islamic calendar, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of Zulhijjah and lasts for four days. Together , we perform solat sunat Aidiladha soon [15Oct2013/10Zulhijjah1434]

As a muslim, you must be familiar to Puasa Arafah, right? What ?You don't know about that? Never heard? Oh , you've heard that before..but you just forgot about understand :) *me too sometimes hihi. Don't worry, as muslims ,we must to remind each other ,right? *grin* okay, here, i would like to share to you the benefits of Puasa Arafah. It's in Malay n___n
" Puasa Arafah adalah puasa pada Hari Arafah, iaitu hari kesembilan dari bulan Zulhijjah. Puasa ini sangat dianjurkan bagi umat muslim yang tidak pergi haji, sebagaimana terdapat dalam riwayat dari Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam tentang puasa Arafah:
Dari Abu Qatadah Al-Anshariy (ia berkata),” Sesungguhnya Rasulullah shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam pernah di tanya tentang (keutamaan) puasa pada hari Arafah?” Maka beliau menjawab, “ Menghapuskan (kesalahan) tahun yang lalu dan yang sesudahnya.” (HR. Muslim no.1162 dalam hadits yang panjang)
Didalam hadits yang mulia ini terdapat dalil dan hujjah yang sangat kuat tentang waktu puasa Arafah, yaitu pada hari Arafah ketika manusia wuquf di Arafah. Karena puasa Arafah ini terkait dengan waktu dan tempat. Bukan dengan waktu saja seperti umumnya puasa-puasa yang lain. Oleh kerana puasa Arafah itu terkait dengan tempat, sedangkan Arafah hanya ada di satu tempat iaitu di Saudi Arabia di dekat kota Makkah bukan di negeri-negeri yang lainnya, maka waktu puasa Arafah adalah ketika kaum muslimin wuquf di Arafah.  "

get it? so,  go to bed right now! so that tomorrow you can wake up early for sahur. haha. i really meant it okay. Maybe many of you have done it, in past years..alhamdulillah. How about this year? *Take it or leave it heheee
Hope that our sins akan dihapuskan by Allah the Most Merciful , InsyaAllah.

Salam Aidiladha by me

want to share anything that related to Puasa Arafah or Eid Al Adha? Your comment would be appreciated :)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tremendous Knowledge, It's IELTS

hye stalkers and readers! How do yo do? Alhamdullillah..

Tonight I'll share to you, especially for those who'll take IELTS. As we may have already known, at least we must get band 5..but it is better to get more than 5 right? yea, i know that we can do it. Bear in mind that, God helps who helps themselves, so why not we put an effort in getting the best band. hey, are you still with me? ok , let's focus to my topic today :)

For those who want to get band 6, you are encouraged to look and read the band 8 & 9 essays. better not to write a very long essay, because that would bring you into more trouble. Make an essay which is so so, can be understood by examiner also don't forget to add many VOCABULARY . But remember, use the vocab with the suitable words and sentences. I also going to sit an examination at the end of this month. Pray for me ;) This link probably will help you a lot, visit

From there, you can get samples for IELTS for every band. There are also speaking and reading test.So ,what are you waiting for? go and grab this golden chances! Good luck! anything to share? just leave your comment here. Thank you

Thursday, July 25, 2013

E-learning improves English Language proficiency

This essay has been edited by me but not all the sentences are created by me. It has been marked by my lecturer and it's very useful to university students (university essay's format). There are a few sentences, i picked up from internet sources. With my pleasure, i'm going to share to you about this familiar topic. Even though, this is not a very superb,awesome essay but i'm sure you'll gain something benefits after reading this. I hope you guys can make it worth.

Format of essay for university
(not less than 250 words)

1.INTRODUCTION (don't forget to state thesis statement)
2.BODY PARAGRAPH (2 points ; each point ussually contains 5 sentences) 
3.CONCLUSION (restate thesis statement)

simple right?

E-learning improves English Language proficiency

             The English Language is the universal language of the world. It allows many people from diverse backgrounds and different countries to communicate with one another using one common platform. Nevertheless, only certain people are good in English. Many of them improve and gain benefits in their English Language proficiency through e-learning. Therefore, i strongly believe that e-learning improves English Language proficiency in terms of being the language tool and for communication skills.

               Following the topic to be discussed, it is undeniable that e-learning is one of the most powerful tool that can be immediately available to us. At the first stage, people will develop their English Language proficiency through reading English articles. It helps to visualize authentic vocabulary and grammar. After they finish reading, they will look up unknown words in dictionary. As a result, they learn new words and gain more knowledge. Accordingly, I am convinced that e-learning improves English Language proficiency.

                Furthermore, instead of reading and writing, listening is also a part of learning. One's can improve their pronunciation by just watching videos. To illustrate,by listening, they try to pronounce the words twice or more until they get used of it. Additionally, learners can pick up some bombastic words and phrases to be incorporated in their daily usage of English, while e-mail,chatting or skype with their friends. Although online chatting uses many short forms and non- formal English, but it still can be understood until they improve their confidence level to interact with other people. For the aforementioned reason, there is no doubt that e-learning can improve English Language proficiency.

                In brief, e-leaning is very convenient for us especially in improving our English Language  proficiency. Hence, let us grab this golden opportunity to learn online classes which are available free with multitude of topics. Trust me, there will be no regret after using e-learning because it will promise us a better future. Again, let us all change for a better life.

You may use bombastic connectors to advance you essay.  

Theartofanimey for today

That's all from me, if there's any correction,suggestion, or addition, kindly leave your comment. I really appreciate it :)

Sunday, June 2, 2013



Assalamualaikum adik abang kakak sekalian
Now i would like to present to you
My Gwiyomi
it's not me, it's my lil cute kitty
Do watch it and you'll say.. "oh such a cute kitten"
I'm sure you'll not regret ;)

*video ini sudah lama dirakam cuma baru dimuat naik. saya rasa tak ada lagi yang buat gwiyomi versi kucing. Jadi saya buat sedikit kelainan. Selamat menonton dan tinggalkan jejak anda di SHOUTBOX

*Thanks for watching*

Sunday, May 5, 2013

This is my cartoon ; Divy

Assalamualaikum semua.
And now,  i would like to introduce to you. my own simple cartoon 
His name is Divy and you guys can call him as DIVY 

Hey Divy, say hi to our visitor :3
Divy : Hye, 

Birthdate Divy tahun lepas, aku sendiri pun tak ingat berapa hari bulan. Aku dapat ilham nak create Divy ini bila aku tengok satu keychain ni.Keychain apa? adalah~ haha So, aku try untuk aplikasi kan. Ubah situ sikit ubah sini sikit. Then, taraaa ! lahirlah si Divy. Kalau kamu ada tengok cartoon ni kat mana mana web atau mana mana tempat, itu semua copy yang aku punya la tu. Aku punya n original ok. Yang homemade punya MADE IN ANIMEY. This is Divy ! :

Yaa, I know. Simple right? but nevermind :)

Tahun lepas kawan kelas aku (5Al-Razi) suggest want to create a button for our class. Entah macam mana, i help them to design the button (maybe yang lain busy kot haha) and it's also my pleasure, because i like benda benda macam ni. Design punya design, Ainaa cakap, "lukis je kartun awak tuh".. and i was like..really? ok i on jee. Lepas siap, aku bagi tunjuk kat kawan sekelas. So, i Alhamdulillah kawan sekelas aku dapat terima Divy seadanya :) terima kasih kawan kawan semua (tapi tak tahu lah takut ada yang tak suka kan) XD

5 Al-Razi Button

I hope that i can do something benefits with it. I mean Divy. Tengok lama lama cute jugak si Divy hahahhaha. Don't you think so? n___n  Feel free to drop your comment, and leave your jejak di shoutbox. If you lazy to comment ,just click "Like" or "Unlike" ok :)  


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Bila bosan

Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi
Jam sekarang menunjukkan pukul empat pagi dan saya masih di hadapan komputer riba
Dan sekarang amarlah mengantuk serta mahu tidur . bye
 sengaja aku tulis post ni. puah duk sajo

Sweet dream

 Kalau tidur lewat, kadang-kadang ada jugak terlintas di kepala pasal han**
Bacalah doa tidur sebelum tidur. seeloknya berwudhu :)

Selamat malam, opss pagi
Lain kali datang lagi. Tinggalkan jejak anda di SHOUTBOX sebelah kanan


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Aura Kucing

This is Achik

Assalamualaikum dan selamt petang.

Emm, siapa suka kucing ?? oh suka? bagus (y) yang tak suka boleh melangkah pergi blog ni slow slow, haha. bukan nak menghalau tapi post kali ini , I wanna share a story about my cute and clueless cat (^.,.^) 
Tapi kalau berminat nak baca pun bolehh ~

Semalam, saya tengah online depan tv. Around 2300, tiba tiba ada satu makhluk Allah ni lompat atas sofa dan duduk tepi saya. Lepas tu buat muka "meminta belaian kasih". Bukan makhluk halus , tapi kucing tu lah.  SWEET TAK? ohh, tak eh. Tapi, bagi saya kalau kucng buat macam tu kat saya, sayaa rasa amat terharu :') sebab bukan semua kucing akan bersikap begitu kepada tuannya. Kalau kucing berkelakuan sedemikian, maknanya dia kasih akan tuannya. So, that's why im touching :')

Dan sememangnya dia, dia lakukan perkara yg sama di lain hari, tapi ikut mood dia jugak lah. Taklah sampai tiap-tipa hari hihi. Ok, that's all from me.

Nasihat untuk semua: sayangilah kucing dan semua haiwan yang lain kerna mereka jugak makhluk ciptaan Allah. Mereka bukan dicipta untuk dikhianati (maksud saya, jgn buat naiya kat binatang, especially to cats) berdosa kau kalau naya binatang. lagi lagi, kalau mereka tak maafkan kau di akhirat nanti, hah tak tahulah apa kan jadi nanti ,Wallahua'alam

#Fakta# Hati yang lara akan terubat jika kau belai belai si kucing tu, percayalah..
tak percaya? try leerr


Anugerah Q

Beside me : Hidayah (The Best Student SPM 2012)

Assalamualaikum, lama dah kot tak update blog ni walaupun takde orang yang baca hmm. saya pun tak tahu la macam mana nak cakap, masa sekolah dulu rajin pulak car masa nak update blog. tapi sekarang dah terlebih masa pulak, tapi sangat malas untuk menaip.

Di sini saya cuma nak share tentang kejayaan dalam SPM. Alhamdulillah, walaupun saya tak berjaya capai target untuk SPM 2012,tapi saya tetap bersyukur dengan apa yang saya dapat sekarang. Nak cerita tentang Anugerah Q yang diadakan di sekolah kesayangan saya baru-baru ini bulan April/14 (barulah sangat kan). Tak kesahlah asalkan saya dapat serta majlis graduasi tu. Majlis ini hanya untuk 6A> ,tapi tahun tahun lepas untuk 5A ke atas. Jadi saya tahu mesti yang dapat 5A tu sedih kerana mereka berharap sangat dapat sertai sama majlis ni. Oleh sebab tahun ni hanya untuk 6A keatas , so mereka tak dapat lah sertai.Tapi seriously, bila dah pakai jubah tu, duduk dalam dewan, saya rasa macam dah graduate from u lah. Lain sangat suasananya. It's like "waaaaa ~". Lepas tu, cikgu nyanyi lagu Standing In The Eyes Of The World. Masa tu rasa sebak, berairlah mata sikit. Maaf,emosi sikit. Dan kepada yang tak dapat sertai bersama, saya harap kalian jangan sedih sangat. Hmmm, nak buat macam mana kan ,dah tak ada rezeki. Mungkin hari tu bukan hari korang, tapi percayalah suatu hari nanti, kalau diizinkan-Nya korang akan dapat rasa benda tu :)

Bercakap tentang rezeki ni, Alhamdulillah sekali lagi sebab saya dapat Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan (KMNS) Sebenarnya tak mintak pun KMNS ,tapi entahlah. Ada je yang dapat result baik tapi tak dapat matrik. Jangan risau kawan kawan adik adik, rezeki ada di mana-mana. Saya pun tak pasti lagi nak pergi matrk atau tak,tapi lebih baik terima dulu tawaran tu (maksud saya klik dekat terima pngesahan tawaran tu) sebab ia tak menjejaskan upu pun. Jangan risau. Budak sekolah saya ramai yang dapat KMNS ,majoriti budak kelas saya sendir pun dapat sana. Saya berniat nak sambung belajar di asasi, sekarang ni tengah menunggu keputusan upu lah ni. berdebar jugak lah kan. haha. Semoga saya dapat yang terbaik dan semoga Allah mempermudahkan urusan saya ,dan kawan kawan InsyaAllah.

3.00am 050213